2010年3月4日 星期四

Two Tales: One for Kidults, One truly for kids

Where the Wild Things are

Alice in Wonderland

昨晚看過Tim Burton的《愛麗絲夢遊仙境》,故事簡單,廸士尼式未來主人翁的成長童話,預料之內的教育意義,連Tim Burton彷彿亦被感染了,將慣常用的黑色,變成了調暗了的彩色,《愛麗絲夢遊仙境》是近年Tim Burton色彩較為斑斕的電影之一,上一齣有點色彩的巧合地亦是童戲:《朱古力掌門人》。

《愛麗絲夢遊仙境》的主角當然是愛麗絲Mia Wasikowska,瘋帽先生Johnny Depp,紅心皇后Helena Bonham Carter,白色女皇Anne Hathaway,以及《Little BritainMatt Lucas一人分飾兩角的波波兄弟Tweedledee & Tweedledum,都像白免、瘋兔、白鼠、妙妙貓及小毛蟲等,只是配角。不過沒有這些配角穿鑿附會,這個小女孩成長歷險記就像另一齣《綠野仙蹤》。

喜歡《愛麗絲夢遊仙境》,3D效果是一大理由,特技、服飾與art direction都是追求Tim Burton多年的Kidult粉絲所期待的。至於故事,「敢於忠於自我,敢於與別不同」的主題簡簡單單,節奏明快,賞心悅目,睇得開心。

今晚看了另一齣童話電影:《Where the Wild Things Are》。去年看過trailer之後一直想看看這齣由《玩謝麥高維治》導演Spike Jonze執導的「怪獸人形」電影,不過香港一直無上映,最近在HMV找到Blu-ray,便花了$300來買一個童話。

Where the Wild Things Are》與《愛麗絲夢遊仙境》的製作規模當然無得比,不過影片的氛圍卻更有童真。《Where the Wild Things Are》改編自插畫作家Maurice Sendak的故事書,Spike Jonze執導童話,就是要認真對待一個9歲小孩的孤獨的情緒、成人難明白的想像力及對日常接觸事物的困惑與憂慮,是一個呈現小男孩內心世界、經歷成長疑惑的小品故事。

片中的wild things/人形怪獸,表情逼真,七情上面,造型可愛。小演員Max Records來自芬蘭,飾演想像力豐富的孤獨男孩,被wild things認定是有能力解決所有問題的國王,穿著人形衫,頭戴小皇冠的小演員,可愛討好。


2010年3月2日 星期二

Banksy's and the world's 1st movie about street art disaster

Exit Through the Gift Shop: A Banksy Film is a humorous and ironic documentary film about street artists, in particular Banksy. The film began as the obsession of Thierry Guetta, a French immigrant in Los Angeles, who became fascinated by street art and spent years filming the art and its creators. The twist in the tale comes when Banksy turns into the film-maker, while Guetta decides to become an artist, under the name Mr. Brainwash. It premièred at the Sundance Film Festival on 24 January 2010. The film includes footage of notable graffiti or street artists at work, including Shepard Fairey, Guetta's cousin Invader, and Banksy himself, though the latter's face is never shown, and his voice is distorted to preserve his anonymity.

英國今個星期五上映, 香港睇怕要等出碟...